
Croatian House of Culture in Sušak, Galerija Kortil – 6. 5. at 19:30 h
Theatre OKOLO, Moscow

Samuel Beckett: ENDGAME

Director: Aleksej Levinski

Set design: Viktor Arhipov

Cast: Anatolij Egorov, Aleksej Mišakov, Ivan Sigorskih, Natalija Posdnjakova

Levinski’s Beckett is maximally ascetic, not only in form but also int he manner of acting…
In this stage version of the piece, everything is done so that Beckett remains Beckett, without trying to reveal in him the imminent truth of the characters and life plausibility of collisions, which used to be done before by others…
Spectators are not offered a psychological drama, but a story with character-masks, not ” a piece of life”, but an open game.
it seems that the Levinski’s performance is the first case when, having preserved the entire complex of typical Beckett’s motives, expressed in constant continuity, you manage, at least in parts, to read them not as bare philosophical thesis, but as living human content. And that was done primarily through the efforts of actors.
From the play programme