May, 3rd. 9,30 pm
Underpass – Piramida
(hommage a Janko Polic Kamov)
Author: Magdalena Lupi
Co-authors and performers: Iva Nerina Gattin, Alex Đaković, Edvin Liverić, Žak B. Valenta
Visual identity: Lara Badurina
Music: Ivan Šarar
Opening night: 1st 06 1998
By using mirne as the base of its theatrical expression, The Walker was conceived as “a site specific theatre play”, located in a city underpass in Rijeka. The performance is a tribute to Rijeka’s well known writer Janko Polić Kamov (1886 – 1910), repudiated during his lifetime and still not adequately explored in the theatre of today. This performance examines the unusual and interesting life and work of Janko Polić Kamov. Today, his work is regarded as the avant-garde of Croatian literature, making him part of the European, but also of the world artistic avant-garde movement…
As Kamov was well known for being obsessed by walking and wandering, the backbone of the play relies precisely upon his continuous walking. The city underpass, as a place where people circulate, meet and greet each other, thus makes an ideal location of action for Kamov’s world.
Magdalena Lupi, From the program booklet.
“A right theatre response to a system of rebellion cannot to be achieved inside a theatre building with a classical actor-director relationship. This performance, thus, becomes a positive counter- model of ali previous performances based on Kamov’s works. The right choice of the performing location was a basic requirement for depicting the essence of Kamov’s world. ”
Darko Gašparović, Frakcija